Wednesday, April 24, 2013

What's Your Story?

Getting a "fairytale" story does NOT mean that "happily ever after" just comes to you.

Spoiler alert: It means you're probably going to have to work your butt off.

And you're going to have times where you it doesn't seem like you're going to get it.

But guess what.

It can happen.

If you want it - it can happen.

Now, let's note that the key word here is CAN. You are going to have to want it. And you're going to have to work for those things that make up your "fairytale." 

There are two big questions you have to ask yourself.

The first is What do you want?

But the second?

The second is How MUCH do you want it?

The choice is your's really.

What's your story going to be?

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