Thursday, April 18, 2013

Kissing is a Funny Thing

Kissing is a funny thing. 

Depending on people involved, feelings involved between said people, environment, etc. it can be anywhere from A Whole New World adorable to Kiss the Girl disastrous...

In my personal opinion, Beauty and the Beast has one of the most romantic kisses - but, of course, we all know I'm biased. (Followed closely by Lady and the Tramp)

However, it's actually not my favorite. 

My favorite is this one:


Just because I love the look on his face when Jane first throws herself at him. And I love that she just goes for it. And I love that he decides that he likes it so he kisses her too. And I love that in real life, this probably would have been slightly awkward. Really, it's just great all around!

My lesson I've taken away from this wasn't one that I learned as a kid. Obviously it took till like high school age before this even applied to me. But it's a great lesson.

Sometimes the best moments aren't the most "romantic." 

The best moments depend on a lot more than what the world would consider "romantic." So don't get too caught up on that aspect. Get caught up in the moments that stick with you for way better reasons than candles, roses or even swirling magical leaves.

If the moment is one you share with one that you really care about - that's really all you need.

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