Monday, April 22, 2013

Let's Make a Deal

Have you ever been around someone that likes to make waves? 

At first you're thinking they may just be an unlucky person (because those people also exist) but then you start to realize that THEY seem to be the one causing the drama all the time...

To be fair, I've only met maybe a couple of people in my entire life that fit this description. I tend to get along pretty well with any type of person, so it takes a lot for me to find someone overboard. I don't believe that this kind of personality is the norm and I don't even believe that all the people with this personality do it on purpose.


Sometimes they are there.

But even more importantly - we can turn into that person for a short time.
It happens a lot more than we think. And (hopefully) a lot more often than any of us mean it to.

And I include myself in this analysis. For sure. I'm not really the most dramatic person outwardly. Again - I'm rather easy going so it takes quite a bit to get me riled up. But I think I create a lot of drama in my inside brain when there's really no reason to do such a thing. And, especially in that kind of circumstance, it just makes my life dramatic and stressful without changing anything.

Have you ever noticed that Sleeping Beauty happens because Maleficent doesn't get invited to the party? Like, seriously. She enters the party (uninvited), tells them she feels sad for not getting an invitation, and then SHOWS them how upset she is by cursing an innocent few-weeks-old baby. 

All because she wasn't invited to the party.

Is it sad that she felt left out?
 Do I feel sad when I get let out of stuff?
Of course.  

But there's a line people! And it's never fun for anyone when that line gets crossed. 

So, moral of the story?

Well, obviously, be nice to people.

SECOND moral of the story?

Don't create drama where there is none. 

There's enough drama in the world without us creating unnecessary amounts. 
Don't be part of the problem - deal?


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