Monday, March 4, 2013

We finally discuss my favorite Disney movie, yo!

I know you've all been dying to know. So I shall reveal the (not so giant) secret:
It'll always be Beauty and the Beast.
I can't even really tell you why I'm in love with it so much. There are obviously reasons but they aren't necessarily restricted to only this show. So, although it may not make sense to the masses - Beauty and the Beast is just my comfort movie. It's my choice of Disney movie when I've been depressed and need to remember that life's going to be okay. Or when it's too cold to play outside. Or really any time at all.

Reasons why Beauty and the Beast gets to be #1:

1. It was released in 1991 by Walt Disney pictures. 1991 is a good year. 
2. I've been told a few times, usually by random people, that I look somewhat like the heroin. And, even though I'm pretty sure hair and eye color are the only things we share in common - I'll take that compliment gladly anytime. 
3. A lot of the extras in the show are walking, talking objects - which is just fun to watch.
4. Belle is totally awesome! Like really - let's look at this, shall we? She is not Miss Popularity. She's a book worm, which is fantastic. She knows how to use her curiosity well. Does it get her in a bit of trouble? Yes. But were it not for that trouble, the spell would never have been broken. [Curiosity didn't kill the cat. It just let it know it was alive.] Being a Disney princess, she's of course sweet and kind; but she's also got a backbone. I mean, she stands up to a BEAST. Looks him straight in the eye - and then waits for him to look away (which of course he does). And let us not forget that she totally saves the Beast! For some unknown reason, she's not tough enough to withstand Gaston throwing her into a cellar. But once she sees the Beast almost fall off the castle to his death - she summons the almighty power of Hercules and PULLS HIM UP!
Like a boss.
And finally,

5. This story shows that it's really not what's on the outside. Cheesy - I know, but stick with me. Another reason why Belle is awesome is because she doesn't fall for the guy that everyone else is in love with. Because she knows his most prized possession is a mirror. And that's it. That's as far down as he goes. And, to be fair, she's not the biggest fan of the Beast at first either - cause let's face it - he's kind of a bully. But she's willing to take the chance to get to know him which makes her able to look past the scary outward appearance to what's really inside. And that's what she falls in love with. Is he the most gorgeous prince ever (even after changing back to human)? I don't personally think so. But that's never bothered me one bit. I'd still be perfectly happy having a love story like that. Because it's real. 

It's more than skin deep.

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