Monday, March 25, 2013

It's Kind of Fun to Do the Impossible

It's Kind of Fun to Do the Impossible

Today is a "let's celebrate the man behind the curtain" kind of day. Because Mondays are just fantastic like that. 

First, some fun facts about Walt Disney:

1. At 16, Disney dropped out of high school to join the army.

2. Unfortunately, that didn't do much for him either seeing as he was rejected for being underage. So then he joined the Red Cross and drove an ambulance for a year in France.

3. He was fired from one of his first jobs at the Kansas City Star because his editor felt that he "lacked imagination and had no good ideas." (I bet that editor later felt like an idiot)

4. He had an animation studio called Laugh-O-Gram before he made it big in Hollywood. Unfortunately, he drove that one into bankruptcy - which is why he then left for California. 

5. He was a chain smoker his entire life and later died of lung cancer at a pretty "young" age of 65 (although it has been said that he made sure to never be seen smoking around children). 

If you really want to know: sources for the above content can be found here, here and here

As you may have noticed - these aren't exactly the "happiest" Walt Disney facts ever. But aren't they FANTASTIC?! 

Okay, you're probably thinking that I'm pretty crazy right now. Let me clear up my crazy brain.

I didn't put these up because I don't like Disney and I want everyone to know that he was a chain-smoker, high-school-drop-out. I LOVE Walt Disney. He's one of my favorite people ever. And that's why I put these facts up. Because he was a pretty average guy when you think about it. He had "school troubles." He got fired. He made mistakes. He and his wife had trouble having children. But look at the difference he made in the world. 

I mean, talk about putting your mark on the world!   

One of the things I like most about Disney are his quotes. I think he has some of the best quotes ever. And I really love the one here. It IS kind of fun turning No Way into Why Not?! It IS kind of fun finding out how capable you really are by doing something that scares you. Probably very few people thought that Walt Disney's dream was even close to possible. And look what he did with the impossible.

What are you going to do?

It's kind of fun doing the impossible

~Walt Disney   

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