Wednesday, February 13, 2013


 Let's chat about silence shall we?

Did you know that Disney's classic movie Bambi has less than a thousand words in the ENTIRE show? This means that if we took all the talking in Bambi and stuck it together, this full length animated film would last less than 10 minutes. 

Did you also know that Dumbo is the only Disney title character to never speak? Not a word. The whole movie...

Now, I won't lie - neither Bambi nor Dumbo is my favorite Disney movie. I actually find them both rather boring most days. But I still think there's a great lesson to learn from them. Some humans seem to honestly be worried that if they aren't talking or giving their opinion on every little sentence that comes their way, they will shrivel up and die. Come on, we all know that person. Maybe you've been that person before. I don't think talking is a bad thing. Speaking well is actually a very commendable skill. But let's also remember that NOT talking can have it's own power. 

Silent protests are a thing.

Silent films were a thing for a lot of years. 

And an elephant that never says a word got a movie made about him. 

And we've all seen the meme that says, "Disney Pixar created a better love story in 8 minutes [with no talking] than Twilight did in 4 books."

When used in excess - yeah, I think silence can get boring.

But silence has the potential to a very powerful tool when used the right way.Any person that's ever had the "I'm so disappointed" look from their mother knows this. Any person that's cried looking at a painting knows this. Or felt completely content in the middle of the mountains with no connection to the outside world. Silence is cool. And it's necessary sometimes. 

Not to mention,

Actions speak a lot louder than words anyway.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Silence can be a very poweful tool in communications and in negotiations. Not to mention it's ability to calm and sooth stressful situations. It also allows us to tap into our higher powers. Overall, silence is usually under-rated and not appreciated or used to the extent it should be.
