Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Welcome to the Friend Zone!

If you guys think I'm bad at keeping this up on a consistent basis, you should see my journal right now. (Just kidding. Please don't look at my journal...)

Alright, the newly improved Disney meme of the day is.... (*drum roll*).....

The Hunchback of Notre Dame!!!

Here's the original meme: 
Disney taught me - a heart of gold won't get the girl

I don't know about anyone else, but I've been hearing a lot of sass recently about this show and what it says about, essentially, the friend zone. So here's my retaliating sass:

Let's really look at this show, shall we?

The story is basically the journey of a man escaping the hands of his evil "care taker" and making his way out of the bell tower that he's been isolated in for so long. He ends up going from a monster in everyone's eyes to the hero. 

Did you notice it?  Did you catch it?

The main story line has nothing to do with his and Esmeralda's (lack of) romance.


Is it in the story? Sure. Disney seems to always need at least one romance in every movie. But it's a secondary story plot. I mean, if nothing else, that should teach us that we are strong and beautiful individuals regardless of our relationship status.

I'm not saying being friend zoned doesn't hurt sometimes. We've all been there. We've all had those hopes and dreams and then had them crushed. It sucks. It hurts. If you feel the need to lament for a day or so about it, go for it. The problem is when we start to look at the position we are in as somehow inferior to what we think could have been.

A few things:

1.   You will have to go through the ups and downs that make up this thing we call life. But you get to have people in your life that stick around and help you face those challenges/enjoy the good times. Maybe they're a family member. Maybe they're a romantic partner. Maybe they're a friend. The thing YOU should focus on, is that they're there. Out of everywhere they could go and everything they could do, they choose to have YOU in their life, in some way or another. That's pretty cool. And that says a lot about you, so... *pat on the back*

2.   We really need to stop using the phrase "just friends." Because there is no "just" about friendship. That makes it sound like the friendship is never fully developed/meaningful simply because there is no romantic attachment involved. How petty is that? Relationships are not a conquest. Friendship is not just the stepping stone to get to "the good stuff." Friendship is a beautiful thing all on its own.

3.   Being the good guy or the heroine does not entitle you to anything, but especially not someone else's heart. Don't be the good guy for selfish reasons. You know what happens when you start doing that? You stop being the good guy.

4.   You know what? A heart of gold may not get you the girl (or boy). Sometimes, that's just life. Maybe the timing's off. Maybe they just aren't interested. Maybe a heart of gold isn't their type (be weary of those ones). There are a number of things that could be contributing to it. But you know what else? YOU HAVE A HEART OF FREAKIN' GOLD! Does that not mean anything all on its own??? Because it should. You being a good person is worth way more than which relationship status you can put on Facebook.

To me, The Hunchback of Notre Dame is another Disney movie that shows that you have to go farther than skin deep to get to know a person. And it shows that love doesn't have to be romantic to be important or real or meaningful. It shows what love really is. *cue Foreigner soundtrack*

And guess what! EVERYBODY is in SOMEBODY'S friend zone. Welcome to how the human race operates! Embrace it. It's a great place to be. Here, shenanigans abound that could not happen anywhere else. Your life just got that much cooler. Congrats!

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