Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Kick Starting Adventure

Really, this post can be applied to any story. But we're going to apply it to Disney movies.

Cause that makes sense. 


Everyone knows that if there's no conflict, there's not much of a story. Could you imagine how non-heart breaking of a story Titanic would be if the ship actually made it all the way to New York? In fact, if we took out all conflict in that movie, Rose wouldn't have even fallen in love with Jack. She would have ended up Mr. Jerk-face just like she was supposed to and everyone would have lived. And then we'd have absolutely no show. Which means no #2 USA box office hit, moving Breaking Dawn Part 2 into the top 50. 

Need I say more?

Anyway, going back to Disney...

Where would Peter Pan be without Captain Hook? Cinderella without her psychotic step family? Simba without Scar? Kuzco without his llama face???

You get the point.

But really. Let's think about this. Of course everyone knows that yin and yang have to go together. That without the bitter there is no sweet and all that fun stuff. But how many times does that come into our minds when all the crap in life is going on? Disney was probably one of the first to show me that conflict and craziness is part of life. Not only is it part of life, but really, without it you don't have much of a story. Every Disney hero/heroine has to go through a difficult journey or task. Without it, their story remains untold. Without it, no Disney princess may have ever found her prince. And Pacha's family would have had to move to Bolivia. 

So enjoy the fact that you get to have the journey at all. Be grateful for the mess ups and trials that make up your life. Can you imagine how boring your story would be without them? Stress, tension and conflict: that's what kicks starts the adventure. So go with it. 

Because no one wants to make it to heaven without at least some kind of story to tell. 

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